
List of various limitations within our API.

Date limitations

Date format

All our supported dates (datetimes) follow the ISO-8601 format.


Date format

All dates must be supplied in UTC timezone and follow this structure: 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z

Which translates to: 2024-01-01 : YYYY-MM-DD (year-month-day)

T: mandatory 00:00:00 : HH:MM:SS (hours-minutes-seconds) Z: mandatory

URL file limitations

Direct media uploads

We will support uploading files directly to us in the future.

We fetch files from the URLs you provide. Please follow the following limitations regarding it.


Max file size

Each file must not exceed 5mb

Accepted file formats

Each file must be in one of the following formats:

.png, .jpeg, .gif, .mp4

Pagination limitations

We fetch records using pagination. Please follow the following limitations regarding it.


Max page size

Each page size must not exceed 50 records (larger numbers will default to 50)

Last updated